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Your ideas

How it works

Any student can submit an idea, big or small. It can range from local to national issues, and be about anything that you want the Guild to do, change or believe in.

Once you’ve submitted your idea, a group of students called Guild Policy Development Group will take a look at it and decide whether it’s something the Guild should start working on or not. You’ll be invited to come along to talk about your idea to them, before they make a decision.

If the Group can’t make a unanimous decision, it’ll go online for a student vote. It's up to you to to promote your idea and encourage people to vote. We'll help out where we can.

If students vote in favour of the idea, the Guild will start working towards it. You can find the ideas we’re currently working on here.

All of the Your Ideas rules and guidelines are explained in more detail in Byelaw 5

You can find key dates for Your Ideas 2018-19 here

Vote on ideas

Vote Now

Voting for Your Ideas is only available for students of the University of Birmingham. If you are a current student, please login via the Guild website here and then return to this page once logged in.

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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